Monday, October 20, 2008

We took the kids to the park to play and roll around in the leaves. I laughed out loud as I watched and photographed Heath, Avery, Peyton and Hunter running and diving into their big pile of leaves. I love these moments!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

My Heath is home and I'm so thankful to have him here with us for 5 days- they will not go slow enough! Peyton has had her other front tooth about to fall out for days now (it was just hanging by a thread) So this morning while getting ready for church, Daddy talked her into tying a string around it, so SHE could tug the string and pull it out, WELL she wouldn't-so Daddy grabbed the string right before my very eyes and jerked that tooth right out!!I don't know who was more traumatized as blood gushed and tears flew-me or Peyton! He tried to make nice with hugs and kisses and when that wasn't cutting it- he gave Peyton her very own cup of coffee. (Lord bless those ladies who teach her Sunday school class!!!)Today we honored the sabbath and had a fabulous day of rest! I'm so glad God thought of that!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Peyton Blaise
a picture of Peytons paintings
last picture See why I was upset!

For the last few days we've all had the sniffles, coughs, and soar throats and no Daddy to take care of us! Yuck! But we are on the way to feeling better! This morning I awoke to my son screaming and I flew out of bed and ran to the living room to find my daughter crawling on top of the entertainment center!! Lets just say she got in big trouble and I pray she will never do such a thing again!! I thank my God for keeping watch over my children always! Peyton Blaise is the sweetest, most loving, little girl, but she is my challenger!! Sometimes I think she must think to herself," I know I'm going to get a spankin for this but oh well it will be worth it!" She is too much like her Dad at times!! lol!
We cheered Avery on at his soccer game-I was proud-he did his best! Afterwards we went to the store to get an Icee and on the way into the store we passed a young couple smoking cigarettes, my 4 year old Hunter following close behind said really loudly to them "Hey you guys, you need to quit smoking, its ruining your lungs!" I turned and said "sorry, 4 year old's tell the truth", they laughed and told him "your right, its a very bad habit', and as I was trying to get him into the store quickly he shouted out "then quit doing it!" Oh the things our children will say-you gotta love it!!
I loved Sarah Palin tonight! I thought she did really well in the debate. Im praying God gives her lots of wisdom and grace in the days ahead!

Just to make sure Id miss him!

I awoke to "Mommy I'm hungry!" A normal part of waking up for me. I made myself get up out of my cozy bed and a little hand dragged my sleepy body down the stairs and into the kitchen. And to my surprise there were beautiful roses with a love letter sitting on the counter and the dishes were all done! What a wonderful sweet man God has blessed me with!