Our next
family visit this summer- a day later, my darlin Dad and sweet friend Leslie decided to drop in for a quick visit on there way to California!! ("a few extra miles" added to there drive to Cali. from Tx.!! so we must be special!!!lol!) We missed Gg -who was off on a mission trip-having her own adventure!! We took Dad and Leslie on a rafting trip to enjoy God's Big Sky Montana Scenery! We had a blast playing in the water and of course with the Adams family you have to have a net to catch crawfish and sculpins!
SO much fun getting to spend time with my Daddy-even if it was a short visit! We even snuck off and had coffee together!!( Although it wasn't as good as the coffee he brought us!!) How I treasure having a Dad after GODS heart!! My prayer warrior and my friend! I am a blessed girl!!
Avery, Peyton and Hunter loved time with there Grandpapa!! Lots of snuggles and giggles!! And sometimes gagging when Gpp eats mustard
covered oreos!!{totally disgusting}but we still love him!!lol! Hurry up and get back to Montana Gpp and Gg!! We miss you so much!!