Monday, September 15, 2008

Well Heath posted out to the field for the first time on Friday morning. It was sad for all of us. It the beginning of a new and uncomfortable job! Peyton had moments that she would do the whole tears and drama thing "i want my daddy now!" Thankfully he got to come back home Sat. at midnight! So next Saturday when he leaves it will be for 5 days and nights away, then he comes home for 5 days and nights, but he works 3 full days of those here on base ( but atleast he gets to come home in the evenings!). Then 2 days off!!!All ours!!(this will be the new job schedule until God moves us on to the next thing He has for us!)The military life is always interesting! Id much rather have my sweetie come home every evening and spend it with us. But I'm so grateful and thankful to the Lord with all my heart that my Heath is not deployed to another country! But Heath is keeping this country very safe!! So I'm choosing to be happy and I'm going to cherish our time together whenever I get it!I know God has great plans for our family!!!! My God is always so Good and Faithful!!
So while my hubby was away the kids and I did lots of playing. Then I had a few moments to make some cards!!! I'm a crazy scrapbooking Momma! That means I don't have time to scrapbook, But I take it when I can get it, so usually when they are asleep I stay up till all hours of the morning scrapbooking! (crazy! because Im 33, and I need all the energy I can get to keep us with my 3 monkeys)I love to scrapbook and I recently became a Close to my Heart consultant because mine moved away! Close to My Heart has the greatest scrapbooking stuff! I'm totally addicted to there stamps and paper! I became a consultant to support my own habit!!! If your curious check out my website www. Hide your credit card though!! Back to why I do this crazy thing called scrapbooking. Well I have 3 of the most beautiful children in the world!(most handsome hubby too!) Perfect and Beautiful Treasures from my Father God!And I love taking pictures of my family! I am there very own paparazzi, I drive them bananas taking pictures of everything they do.(after all- someday they'll thank me for it-right!) I have a hand full of pics. from my childhood. My real mom died when I was10 yrs old . And I don't have one single written down thing that she ever thought of me. So I scrapbook the pictures of my kids and our family and journal about those precious moments because they pass way too quickly and I don't ever want to forget! I leave special love notes in and on my pages so that someday when my kids are all grown up they are going to look back and read my thoughts and know how blessed we were and what a gift it was to be there Mom and how I loved and cherished every moment with them! So that's why I'm a crazy scrapbooking Momma!