Saturday, October 31, 2009

Our October 31!

Its October 31st, the Adams family ran a bean bag toss and handed out loads and loads of candy at the mall. It was lots of fun being a blessing to our community!! And I don't think I've ever seen the mall so packed full of people. It was all a little overwhelming at first for our youngest Hunter, so he hid under our candy table, under the table cloth. But by the end of the night he was stuffing baskets and bags full of candy with the rest of us!! Hunter wanted his face painted like sonic the hedge hog-(a difficult task!) he had rubbed most of his face paint off itching by the time I snapped these pictures!! Then there was an hour left of trick or treating on base-so they had fun getting some treats and even hot dogs tonight as well!! A very blessed night!! Thank you God!!
Blessings to yall!!! Jolena

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