Sunday, September 28, 2008

It was sooo good to get Heath home on Wednesday night. Thursday was the last day of me teaching swimming lessons for a long while! Yayy! We cheered Avery on in his soccer game-he's the smallest guy on his team!He is really enjoying it and he's really getting better-no matter what his Dad says!(lol!) I had a scrapbook night with the girls at church on Friday. It was so hard to leave my Heath and go scrapbook ,but I survived,and he got to have some great Daddy time with the kids. Saturday was pure laziness-snuggles-movies-coffee-the whole family playing zoo tycoon-Daddy cooked pancakes at 2 in the afternoon! May sound boring but I promise it was a total blast! On Sunday Heath had to work here on base but he met us at the park for lunch(we had our traditional Adams family fried chicken dinner meal) And we have enjoy every last bit of sunshine we have because soon the ground will be covered in snow. But that just means it will be time to pull out the coats and sleds!
My hubby took me out for a fun date tonight, we went and watched Fireproof with some of our church family. Such a great movie with a great Message!! (and that is a rare thing these days)(when I was a teen Kirk Cameron was plastered all over my walls.)(Im so glad he found the Lord and he and his wife have such a beautiful family and are doing so many wonderful things for the Lord.I love to watch his Way of the Master on TBN) My hubby laughed through the tearful parts, because I would cry and very discreetly wipe my tears on his shirt sleeve, by the end of the movie his sleeve was drenched with my tears.
One more day till he has to leave again for 5 days. I can do this! Ive made a list of the good things that happen when he's gone:1. he misses me and I miss him! 2. I get to sleep on his side of the bed. 3. I get to go to sleep with fox news on the tv 4. I can scrapbook all hours of the night and he wont even notice! lol!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Well today was a crazy busy day! It started at 9am 1st day of homeschool. 3rd grade for my Avery, 1st grade my Peyton, and preschool my Hunter and Hunters little friend Summerlin comes 2 days a week for preschool. I taught my heart out! Ran to swim lessons, taught swim.Made a mad dash to Avery's 1st soccer game of the season! And we were 20 minutes late, because of swim lessons! Ran to the grocery store-fixed supper- broke up at least 15 fights between the kids. The last one of the day ending with a bite! I fed the 2 guinea pigs,(who had to be separated for biting too), worms and a salad to the bearded dragon, 2 aquariums of fish and frogs, Hunter fed his turtle with moms help, thankfully I didn't have to feed the snakes! And the cat he's so fat he can do without-not really I fed him too. I got to talk to my hubby on the phone-I miss him so! Tomorrow he comes home! I cant wait!We have a million kisses waiting for him! So now it's "me time"! Im going to forget that I should go clean up and Im going to go curl up with my Bible and spend some time with Him. I need it!!!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Today I shampooed the carpet. My house smells nice and clean. The kids and I went to Giant Springs and enjoyed the sunshine and the beauty God has placed around us. My little sister is on my heart and mind. I know she's hurting and I cant be there to hug and hold her. My heart hurts so deeply for her! She had a miscarriage and she was due in March. And I just hate that this has happened to my precious sissy! I dont understand why these things happen. But Im praying that my Jesus will hold her close and give her comfort,grace, strength, peace.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Hunter has been croopy and up during the night and so have I. But I got a couple of scrapbook pages done. In between lots of prayers, hugs and back rubs. He is feeling much better today though. Daddy leaves tomorrow morning. So everyone is a little sad in my house. Its only for 5 days! I know! But we just love having Daddy home! And you'd think after being married 10 years I wouldn't even miss him! But I do adore my Heath and everything is just better when we are together! Dont get me wrong, he can be such a stinker at times that Id like to choke him. And I'm quite positive he feels that same special feeling for me at times too! But I am so blessed to be married to the man of my dreams, my best friend, amazing husband and dad!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Well Peyton lost one of her top front teeth and so now she has the way too cute snaggle grin going on! We took the kids to the park and I was sad I only got a few pictures before my camera battery died!! Heath hopped into the river(the shortest river in the US-the Roe river) and was pulling out handfuls of the water plants, the kids had so much fun pulling out the water bugs, and the brought home 5 sculpins for the aquarium. Daddy makes everything fun!
Today, as I was crying and praying for a dear friends 5 year old nephew who is battling cancer, it reminds me that things in this life just don't really matter. Heath and I have been so blessed to have our beautiful and healthy Avery, Peyton and Hunter. We truly have everything!!! A family is the most amazing blessing from God! Hold yours close! Enjoy every moment!

Monday, September 15, 2008

Well Heath posted out to the field for the first time on Friday morning. It was sad for all of us. It the beginning of a new and uncomfortable job! Peyton had moments that she would do the whole tears and drama thing "i want my daddy now!" Thankfully he got to come back home Sat. at midnight! So next Saturday when he leaves it will be for 5 days and nights away, then he comes home for 5 days and nights, but he works 3 full days of those here on base ( but atleast he gets to come home in the evenings!). Then 2 days off!!!All ours!!(this will be the new job schedule until God moves us on to the next thing He has for us!)The military life is always interesting! Id much rather have my sweetie come home every evening and spend it with us. But I'm so grateful and thankful to the Lord with all my heart that my Heath is not deployed to another country! But Heath is keeping this country very safe!! So I'm choosing to be happy and I'm going to cherish our time together whenever I get it!I know God has great plans for our family!!!! My God is always so Good and Faithful!!
So while my hubby was away the kids and I did lots of playing. Then I had a few moments to make some cards!!! I'm a crazy scrapbooking Momma! That means I don't have time to scrapbook, But I take it when I can get it, so usually when they are asleep I stay up till all hours of the morning scrapbooking! (crazy! because Im 33, and I need all the energy I can get to keep us with my 3 monkeys)I love to scrapbook and I recently became a Close to my Heart consultant because mine moved away! Close to My Heart has the greatest scrapbooking stuff! I'm totally addicted to there stamps and paper! I became a consultant to support my own habit!!! If your curious check out my website www. Hide your credit card though!! Back to why I do this crazy thing called scrapbooking. Well I have 3 of the most beautiful children in the world!(most handsome hubby too!) Perfect and Beautiful Treasures from my Father God!And I love taking pictures of my family! I am there very own paparazzi, I drive them bananas taking pictures of everything they do.(after all- someday they'll thank me for it-right!) I have a hand full of pics. from my childhood. My real mom died when I was10 yrs old . And I don't have one single written down thing that she ever thought of me. So I scrapbook the pictures of my kids and our family and journal about those precious moments because they pass way too quickly and I don't ever want to forget! I leave special love notes in and on my pages so that someday when my kids are all grown up they are going to look back and read my thoughts and know how blessed we were and what a gift it was to be there Mom and how I loved and cherished every moment with them! So that's why I'm a crazy scrapbooking Momma!

Monday, September 8, 2008

1st post

I thought this might be a fun way to keep family and friends updated on the character building-ever changing- never boring-fun-funny-sweet-silly-sometimes sad-grand adventures of the Adams family! Lots more to come....