Saturday, February 28, 2009

My Champions!

At our church we just had the pine car derby races. This year Hunter won 1st place in his age group and Avery won 2nd place in his. And my Peyton Blaise had a fabulous attitude about losing! She was cute she said "Mom, Im just happy for everyone that won, and I had fun doing it!"I was so very proud of all three of them they are my champions!!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Happy Birthday Babies!

February is busy with Birthdays! My Avery turned 9, I cant believe it! And my Peyton turned 7, time sure flies when your having fun!!!This year I attempted to make their cakes again. I started with Peytons, I spent 2 hours decorating her 2 tiered square Littlest Pet shop cake. I sat it outside on a nice flat pile of snow while I started on Averys. When I went out to bring it inside, it had slid off of the suburban and splattered on the drive. I woke Heath up-like I thought he could save it or something! He was sweet he got up and went out and tried to recover it. It was a lost cause! I was so tired I stood there making some really sad crying sounds but no tears would come. Heath had a great idea, he said dont worry babe Peyton will love an ice cream cake from Dairy Queen. After that, I just didnt have it in me to put too much work into Averys Mario cake, but he was happy with what I did do.
On there Birthdays we always pull out there baby photos and I tell them all about the day they were born. Oh how God has blessed me with my beautiful children! Im so thankful that 9 and 7 years ago he picked me to be Avery and Peytons Mom!!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

My Ring!

On January the 10th Heath and I celebrated 11 wonderful years together!!! I think I say this every year but just when I think we've had the best year yet, we have another year together!! For our anniversary we went to dinner at Applebees and he surprised me with a beautiful diamond ring!! He and the kids picked it out and I just love it! I feel really special because he sold one of his guns to get it for me. I am truly blessed with the most precious man on this earth!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

our snow day

Finally the weather was warm enough (40 degrees) to drive into the mountains and play in the snow. The mountains and trees breathtakingly beautiful as always!Im continually in awe of my Father God and the never ending beauty He places all around us! I could never get tired of the view here in Montana! Only subzero temperatures drive me a little crazy every now and then! My hubby built us a fire, and the sledding began! I sat in the snow and took no less than a hundred pictures of my family eating snow, playing and laughing! And of course I got in there and played too! SO much in fact that I couldn't move for a few days. I owe it all to the snow ramp that Heath and Avery built at the bottom of our grand hill. I think I flew atleast 4 ft in the air-that was the fun part then I landed! What was I thinking!! Well I wasn't- that's for sure! But we live and we learn-right! I sure hope so! lol!