Monday, December 14, 2009

My buck

Well, I had dreams of shooting a big Montana monster buck and an elk this year. After walking miles and miles, climbing mountains and hills, low crawling through cactus, on the last day at the end of the day I settled for this muley buck. He is better than nothing, but I did cry like a baby because he wasn't nearly as big as what I wanted!!lol! Maybe next year will be better for this girl!! (or maybe Ill just have to get a new guide!lol!!) Not really!! I am so blessed to hunt with my best friend!! He is also an incredible pack mule and butcher!!LOL!

Blessings to yall! j

Friday, December 11, 2009

Its a crazy life!! But I love it!

The Air force decided to remodel our house so after 10 years we had to move across the base. I knew it wasn't going to be fun! But I really had no idea how much work it really would be! I don't think Ive ever done anything more exhausting in my whole life!!! We moved over 35 thousand pounds of furniture and stuff into our much smaller brand new home!!! We were so blessed with friends who came and helped us and friends who let us barrow a truck and a trailer (there were no moving trucks available for us to even rent) It took us 11 days, from the time we woke up until we collapsed with exhaustion to get all of our stuff out of that home with 3 children in the middle of it all!! Then we began the process of cleaning our house up to military standards!! Several dear sweet people from church came to help including Pastor Pam! They scrubbed cabinets, floors, walls, bathrooms and toilets !! I must say I was horrified! and humbled! And so very, very grateful!!! We are in our new home and the 2 car garage is full from the floor to the ceiling with boxes and furniture!! I'm not sure that we will ever get out of boxes!! Now that we are into the Christmas season we have our tree and decorations up and we are determined to make this season special with our kiddos!! So we have been enjoying Christmas movies, crafts, games, yummy food, snuggling, stories of that precious babe in a manger!! Our Jesus the reason we celebrate!! In the midst of whatever craziness is going on in each of our lives, may we keep our focus on Jesus!! Its all about Him!!
Love and Blessings!! J

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Our October 31!

Its October 31st, the Adams family ran a bean bag toss and handed out loads and loads of candy at the mall. It was lots of fun being a blessing to our community!! And I don't think I've ever seen the mall so packed full of people. It was all a little overwhelming at first for our youngest Hunter, so he hid under our candy table, under the table cloth. But by the end of the night he was stuffing baskets and bags full of candy with the rest of us!! Hunter wanted his face painted like sonic the hedge hog-(a difficult task!) he had rubbed most of his face paint off itching by the time I snapped these pictures!! Then there was an hour left of trick or treating on base-so they had fun getting some treats and even hot dogs tonight as well!! A very blessed night!! Thank you God!!
Blessings to yall!!! Jolena

Mix Match!

At church on Wednesday night it was mix match night for the kids. Heath and I had a ball dressing the kids as awful as possible!! Peyton and Avery were all for it, Hunter however said "no way!" My little Miss Peyton won the contest! She was super excited about winning her $10.00 gift card to Target! As bad as she was dressed, she still is the prettiest little girl in the whole world!!(to me, anyways!lol!) OK, really! Aren't they all just stinking cute!!
Happy Fall!! or Winter for us (see the snow behind the kids!lol!)Blessings! Jolena

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Just a few pictures of my gorgeous family!! My Peyton and I went to a wedding together-she loved every minute of it! The boys joined us for the reception and I had to smile as she told them her favorite parts of the wedding-her most favorite that she had fun saying all day long-"and you may kiss the bride!" After such a lovely wedding she already at the age of 7 cant wait for her wedding day!! Its funny how a little girl dreams of the day her prince will come-then of a fairytale wedding-and a happily ever after!!Of course her Daddy cant even think or speak of such things!!lol!
Love and blessings! Jolena

Thursday, September 17, 2009

A special visit!

In July we were so blessed with a very special visit from our Nebraska family! GG/Angie, Nana, Tori and Ali (sadly Josh couldn't come!!) they drove all the way from Omaha to visit the crazy Adams family! Yeah! I feel really special when they drove 16 or so hours to visit us! We had loads of fun playing, lots of silliness and giggles, and of course with 5 children plenty of drama-lol!, swimming, painting toe-nails, fixing hair, listening and singing along to Hill songs Kids Worship!! Starbucks, matching shirts and pj's, crazy kids shopping spree at Walmart (thanks to precious Papa!who also couldn't come!) playing in the mountains-(adventures with Daddy/Uncle Heath-fishing-turtles, snakes, and frogs!), trying to take pictures of it all!just being together was such fun! I'm so grateful that God has placed our lives together!!! How special they are to us all! Thank you with all my heart for your visit!!!
Love and Blessings! Jolena

Thursday, September 3, 2009

the cutest mannquins ever!

Since Old Navy started making commercials with their mannequins talking, my children have been fascinated with them. Now when we go to Old Navy they want to pretend to be mannequins. Its funny for once they were saying "Mom, take our picture". My kids totally crack me up!!(can you find them?)

Thursday, August 6, 2009

{First Fracture!!!}

So we were playing at the park and I had 4 extra children with me and my 3 {yes I did this for fun!}And 7 children getting into a car plus the dog can be really crazy!! I opened one door and told the kids to come and get in-but Peyton and her friend decided to get in on the other side. I was standing there fussing at Peyton for opening the other door. And I told her to just get in and I would come around and close it when she rared back with both hands and slammed it{thats when I heard my little Hunter scream-very loudly!!} I was screaming too as I ran around the van like a crazy woman!! Peyton had managed to open the door up as I reached Hunter. I took him in my arms and held him and prayed!! Got everyone in, held Hunter in my lap{I know I broke the law!!} drove to one house dropped 2 kids off, drove to another house dropped 2 more off, then quickly to my house and put the puppy in his kennel, in a full sprint I grabbed tylonol and an icepack. At this point I put Hunter in his car seat, Me, Avery and Peyton were all crying and praying for Hunter by this time as his sreaming and crying in pain never ceased, we raced him to the e.r. where they did x rays and told us he has a fractured thumb!! My baby!!-a fractured thumb!!!(they loaded him up with motrin-which made him feel lots better) His sister was feeling really awful!! At first he was so mad at her-then he forgave her-but told her not to touch him-ever!! By the end of the night they were snuggled up on the couch and she was giving him all the attention he could ever want from his sister. Daddy came home at midnight and that really made it better! Right now I think hes rather enjoying all the attention and pampering he's getting from his whole family!! Im so thankful it was just his thumb (not his hand,arm or head!!) God is good!!

Monday, August 3, 2009

Summer Fun!

Sorry its been so long since Ive posted. It is summer time in Montana! And it goes by WAY too fast!!So the Adams family has been very busy soaking up the sun!! We've been out camping, rafting, fishing, canoeing, swimming, and having so much fun together!! Here are a few of my favorite pictures!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009


Just wanted to introduce you to the newest member of our family!! We are so excited and praising the Lord for our sweet Tucker!! (our 8 week old Weimaraner puppy) Our Peyton Blaise has been praying for a dog for atleast 2 years now- with tears in her eyes and the biggest giggles she couldn't stop saying "oh!! thank you God!!" when her daddy carried him in the house and handed him to her! God is so good!! It so wonderful when it's His time for something and He just makes it happen!! Peyton has kept him company during the night and has slept right beside his kennel in her sleeping bag=too cute!! Of course we all adore him that is everyone except for Nemo our cat!! Hopefully they will eventually be friends!!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

God is so good to me!! I am so excited that I won!!!Woohoo!! Thanks so much for your votes!! Everyone had beatuful artwork and inspiring stories!! I wouldnt have wanted to be the judge!!

Monday, June 8, 2009

Im so excited today I found out that I made it as a finalist in the Close To My Heart Scrapbook and Share contest!!! WooHoo!! So now I need your vote!! Im finalist #3 in the Most Inspiring category! I want everyone who reads my story to be inspired but I would also love to win $150.00 in CTMH product!! So PLEASE go and vote for me.
Thanks so much!!