Sunday, October 5, 2008

My Heath is home and I'm so thankful to have him here with us for 5 days- they will not go slow enough! Peyton has had her other front tooth about to fall out for days now (it was just hanging by a thread) So this morning while getting ready for church, Daddy talked her into tying a string around it, so SHE could tug the string and pull it out, WELL she wouldn't-so Daddy grabbed the string right before my very eyes and jerked that tooth right out!!I don't know who was more traumatized as blood gushed and tears flew-me or Peyton! He tried to make nice with hugs and kisses and when that wasn't cutting it- he gave Peyton her very own cup of coffee. (Lord bless those ladies who teach her Sunday school class!!!)Today we honored the sabbath and had a fabulous day of rest! I'm so glad God thought of that!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

oh man....I need to call you! Love all the pix. Love you so much.