Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Adams Family Visit!

We were so very blessed to have PaPa, Emaw and Aunt Heather come for a 2 week visit! Heath wore us all out fishing, camping, fishing, rafting and more fishing!! We caught some beautiful trout! The scenery, one of Gods wonderful gifts to us- takes your breath away every time! And the animals always capture the attention of the Adams family!! It was soo much fun! There was also a crazy little kayak adventure!! (on what Heath thought were category 1 rapids!lol! it turned out that it was that one time of year that he was WRONG!!lol!) I'm so very thankful that God protected our Adams men and helped us to recover both kayaks!! He is soo good!!
Mom was super sweet to come and make tamales-the freezer is stocked! And let me tell you they are soo delicious!! Heath is pretty selfish with them though- he makes ugly faces at me every time I eat them!!lol! Dad did some much needed fixin up on our vehicles! So nice!! It was so much fun getting to spend time with Heather too-she was Heaths sister first but I'm thankful he has to share her with me now!
Avery and Hunter loved that their Papa taught them how to hit golf balls! Peyton loved that her Emaw taught her how to crotchet-she carries it around and works on it everywhere!!(too cute!!)) They all loved snuggling with Aunt Heather!!! 2 weeks went way too fast! The memories we made are priceless! And the goodbyes always stink!

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